Founded in 1972 by John Houseman and Margot Harley with the first graduating class of the Drama Division of The Juilliard School, The Company has launched the careers of some 400 actors, including Kevin Kline, Patti LuPone, Mary Lou Rosato, Keith David, Rainn Wilson, Lorraine Toussaint, Frances Conroy, Harriet Harris, Lisa Banes, Jeffrey Wright, Hamish Linklater, Jesse L. Martin, Roslyn Ruff, Jimonn Cole, Kelley Curran, among many others, while bringing sophisticated theater to hundreds of communities from coast to coast.
To take a look at a full list of our alumni, just check out our Alumni database.
Layla Khoshnoudi
Zamo Mlengana
Abiola Obatalu
Anya Whelan Smith
Sophie Zmorrod
Toree Alexandre
Zoe Anastassiou
Edwin Brown III
Quira Chanel
Darius Deon
Sam Encarnación
Max Antonio Gonzalez
Ty Cameron Hawthorne
Travis Raeburn
Christopher Then
William Oliver Watkins
Eunice Woods
Caro Zellar
Coming Soon
Abbott Jr., Michael
Adams, Justin
Adele, Kristen
Adeyemo, Oluwatobiloba
Alexander, Tora Nogami
Alfieri, Smith
Allen, Gregory Lamont
Allen, Michael Stewart
Almquist, Gregg
Amendt, Matthew
Anderson, Matt
Angeletti, Nita
Apathy, Christina
Appel, Irwin
Arsenault, Freddy
Aste, Spencer
August, Matt
Bacigalupi, Dennis
Bacigalupi, Robert F.
Baldwin, Brooks
Baldwin, Craig
Banes, Lisa
Barker, Tim
Barrero, Oliver
Barrett, Michael
Barron, Mia
Bartle, Megan
Bartley, Beth
Bates, Jessica
Bates, Anne
Battle, Darien
Beatty, Ella
Beckwith, Spencer
Behnke, Corey
Bell, Glynis
Bellina, Logan
Ben (Eric Ferguson), Eric
Benavides, Lisa M.
Bender, Jefferey
Bentley, Ernest
Berkey, Dan
Biggs, Casey
Bonnell, Jesse
Borczon, Becky
Boutsikaris, Dennis
Boutte, Duane
Bowden, Anthony
Bowen, Jason
Bowen, Ethan T.
Bowers, Bonnie
Bracey, Jasmine
Braswell, Bob
Brennan, Wendy
Brett, Juliet
Brewster, Kaliswa
Brock, William
Brockman, Rebekah
Brown, Siobhan Juanita
Brown, Anthony M.
Brutsman Busch, Laura
Bryant, Craig
Butler, Michael
Butler, Jerome
Cabell, Hannah
Caldwell, Gisela
Call, Edward Payson
Camara, N'Jameh
Campbell, J. Kenneth
Carlo, Johann
Carlson, Caleb
Carmichael, Clark
Carter, Timothy
Carvell, Jason Alan
Caza, Terrence
Celik, Aysan
Cerveris, Todd
Chandler Mills, Leah
Chapman, Raymond
Chappelle, Keith Eric
Charles, Victoire
Chase, Lynn
Christal, Kathleen
Christen, Simon Marabate
Clark, Doug
Cofield, Carl J.
Cogman, Bryan
Cohen, Georgia
Cole, Jimonn
Coleman, Rosalyn
Colonder, Joel
Conn, Christian
Conroy, Frances
Conroy, Kevin
Corcoran, Daniel
Cornell, Rayme
Correa, Jacqueline
Cosentino, Paul
Costallos, Suzanne
Crawford, Constance
Cribbs, Jeffrey
Cribbs, Jenn Miller
Crosby, Quira C
Cross, Brian
Croxton, Darryl
Cullen, Michael
Cummings, Anthony
Curran, Kelley
Dallimore, Stevie Ray
Daniel, Kahlil X
Dash, Elliot
David, Keith
Davies, Aled
De Ganon, Matt
de Vries, David
Deal, Frank
DeBesse, David
DeGanon, Matt
DeHaviland, Jacqueline
DeMay, Janet
DeRosa, Stephen
Diamond, Jed
Dickason, Cynthia
Dodds, Megan
Domencic, Joe
Donaldson, Tom
Drozd, Laurence
Duerr, Seth
Duong, Lennox T.
DuPaty, Bjorn
Dvorsky, Peter
Dwyer, Kevin
Dykstra, Brian
Earney, Judson
Edwards, Christopher
Edwards, Matt
Eichman, David
El-Amin, Hassan
Epstein, Jesse
Erb, Stephanie
Ernst, Lee E.
Farmer, James
Farrar, Albert
Fielding, Claudia
Finch, Susan
Fine, Zack
Finer, Gayla
Fishell, Julie
Florek, Dann
Fontaine, Luca
Forbes, Kate
Ford, Laura Perotta
Ford, Rick
Foubert, David
Foy, Harriett D.
Frances, Conroy
Friedman, Mina
Fuller, David
Gailus, Marianna
Gallagher, Megan
Gallagher, Melissa
Garrison, Michelle
Gass, Kristen
Geary, Christopher
George, Libby
Geraci, Leslie
Gilmore, Allen
Goldblatt, J.D.
Gonner, Aaron
Gonzalez, Max A
Goodwin, Philip
Gotch, Michael
Gould, Ian
Gragtmans, Laura
Grant, Robert David
Green, Larry
Green, Adam
Greenleaf, John
Greer, Matthew
Grotelueschen, Andy
Grullon , Elizabeth
Guin, Mark Stewart
Gutierrez, Gerald
Guy, Rebecca
Guyton, Jeffrey
Haardt, Buddy
Halperin, Sandra
Harper, James
Harris, Harriet
Harris, Cedric
Harum, David
Hausman, Elaine
Hayenga, Jeffrey
Hayman, Cedric
Hebron, Paul
Heflin, Elizabeth
Heinig, Deb
Heins, Barry
Hendrickson, Benjamin
Henschel, Tom
Herman, Cynthia
Herrero, Mercedes
Hewitt, Tom
Hicks, Laura
Hillocks, Kevis
Hodges, Zach Fike
Hodges, Patricia
Hoeppner, Chad
Holmes, Michael Thomas
Horstman, Martha
Houghton, James
Houseman, John
Hoverman, Matt
Howard, Richard
Hsu, Grace
Hudson, Whitney
Hulings, William
Huppeler, Cindia
Iglewski, Richard
Iriele, Frank
Jackson, Lorenzo
Jackson, Gregory
Jackson, Kevin
Jacobson, Ron
Jacoby, Miles
Janas, Angela
Jean, Christopher
Jenkins, Trish
Jenkinson, Henry
Jesneck, Julie
Johnson, Torsten
Johnson, Marc Damon
Johnston, Josh
Jones, Jason King
Jones, Charity
Jones, Felicity
Jones, Ron Cephas
Kamp, Diane
Kane, Galen Ryan
Kaplan, Jonathan
Kawa, Carie
Keith, David
Keith, Anders Craggs
Kelly, Kevin James
Kennedy, Hugh
Kenny, Jack
Kerr, Patrick
Kimbrough, Matthew
Kincaid, Mark
Kinsherf, John
Kizler, David
Knight, Ezra J
Kohane, Suzy
Kraft, Kevin
Kress, Ronna
Krizner, Douglas
Kuroda , Kati
Laigo, Rene
LaMar, Diana
Lamont, Stephens
Lampley, Oni Faida
Landon, Kelsey
Landon, Amy
Lane, Patrick
Lawrence, Gabriel
Layne, Mary
Leibowitz, Jay
Lewis, Mark
Lewis, Peter
Lilja, Sam
Lindig, Jillian
Linklater, Hamish
Liu, Daniel
Lluberes, Michael
Logan, Bellina
Lombard, Natalie
Lovitz, Robert
MacCauley, Michael
Macklin, Peter
Manis, David
Manuelian, Michael
Martin, Jesse L.
Martinez, Robb
Matarrese, Michael J
Matthews, Dakin
Matthews, DaLane
Matthews, Anderson
Mattila, Steven A.
McCarthy, Theresa
McCLure, Robert
McCormick, Lisa
McCusker, Timothy
McDaniel, James
McDonald, Michael
McDowell-Green, Jason
McFadden, Davenia
McFarland, Christopher Michael
McFarland, Arthur
McGinn, Andy
McGlinn, William
McGrath, Joe
McGuire, Kevin
McKechnie, Garrett
McKenzie, Michael
McNaughton, Anne
McQuillan, Megan
McTaggart, Fletcher
McVety, Drew
Meader, Derek
Mell, Randle
Metcalf, Sophia K.
Meyer, Phil
Michalski, John
Michie, William D.
Midyett , Joseph
Milioti, Cristin
Miller, Serena Ebony
Miller, Joel
Miller, Jim
Mills, Royden
Ming-Trent, Jacob
Mollison, Jonathan D "JD"
Mondschein, Adam
Montbertrand, Carine
Moodliar, Keshav
Moody, James
Moon, Erin
Moreno, Luis
Moses, Mark
Mulligan, Kathleen Mary
Narcisse, Britnie
Neet, Alison Stair
Negro, Mary Joan
Newsome, Randall
Nichols, Jonathan
Nogasky, Andy
Norstrand, Julia
Nyberg , Pamela
O'Brien, Erin J.
O'Connell, Patrick
Oden, Christopher
O'Neal, Kaitlin
Ooms, Richard
Orton, Kevin
Osheroff, Joe
Owens, Robert
Paterson, Andy
O'Connell, Patrick
Patterson, Chuck
Pearce, Daniel
Peck, Jonathan Earl
Pelinski, Stephen
Peters, Susanne
Peters, Glenn
Petty, Al-Nisa
Phillips, Angie
Pierce, Angela
Pilkington, Stephen
Pino, Mariangela
Pohja, Josh
Pores, Alexia
Powell, Anthony
Prewitt, Grant Fletcher
Prissert, Sasha-Raphael
Prosky, Andrew
Puma, Katherine
Purnell, Austin
Putnam (Lamb), Lori
Putterman, Noah
Radford, Jade
Raffo, Heather
Rainey, David
Randle, Mell
Raolfsrud, Erika
Reddy, Brian
Reed, Margaret
Reynolds, Rebecca
Richardson, Drew
Rivera, Orlando
Rivera, Thom
Robbins, Tom
Robertson, Evan
Robinson, Joshua David
Robinson, Antoinette J
Robison, Heather
Rodriguez, Alejandro
Rohn, Jennifer
Rolfsrud, Erika
Rolle, John
Rooth, Liv
Rosato , Mary Lou
Rosenbaum, Benjamin
Rosenstock, Susan
Rubin, Jeffrey M.
Ruff, Roslyn
Russell, Blake
Saker, Gabriela
Sakren, Jared "Jed"
Salinas, Timiki
Savage, Michael
Sawyer, Ken
Schramm, David
Scott, Morgan
Sekk, Timothy
Shaw, Gerald
Shaw, Maryn
Shaw-Robinson, Charles
Sheehy, Alison
Sierros, John
Silver, Alan
Simmons, Jordan
Simon Marabate, Christen
Sims, Neil
Skelley, John
Slamp, Dana
Sloan, Gary
Smith, Eskai 'Sky'
Smith, Derek David
Smithson, Jamie
Smyth, Laura
Snow, Norman
Soloman, Sid
St. Peter, Jaime
Stahlmann, Elizabeth
Stahlmann, Susanna
Stanley, James
Steele, Erik
Stehlin, Jack
Steiner, Matt
Stephens, Lamont
Stevens, Roy K.
Stiers, David Ogden
Stram, Henry
Stucki, Arianna Gayle
Sturdivant, William
Sullivan, Matt Bradford
Surovy, Nicolas
Swarthout, Jeff
Swartz, Danny
Taffe, Kelly
Tauber, Michele
Taylor, Samuel
Taylor, Candace
Taylor, Robin
Tharps, Lisa
Theis, Mickey
Thompson, Martha
Thompson, April Yvette
Thorn. Chris
Tillotson, John
Tisa. Joe
Tolaydo, Michael
Topol, Richard
Toussaint, Lorraine
Troiano, Danielle
Tsoutsouvas, Sam
Tucker, Shona
Tucker-White, Pamela
Tumarin, Boris
Turner, Cheryl
Turner, Katherine Renee
Tyler, Myxolydia "Myxy"
Uffelman, Jonathan
Valdez-Lim, Ana
Valicenti, Sonny
Vandergaw, Terra
Varner, Kevin
Vick, Henry
Virta, Ray
Wade, Jonathan
Walker, Paul
Wallace, Gregory
Walsh, J.T.
Walters, Scott
Ward, Anthony
Weber, Christine
Wechsler, Tatiana J
Weems, Andrew
Welch, Yaegel
Welch, Gregory
West, Major
Wetmore, Michael
Wiggins, Michael
Wilkens, Claudia
Williams, Chelsea
Wilson, Rainn
Wilson, C.J.
Wilson, Felicia
Wirth, Dan
Wise, Kathleen
Woods, Michele-Denise
Woodward (Esposito), Laura
Woofter, Isaac
Wright, Jeffrey
Wright, William
Yeager, Caroline
Young, Marielle
Zarish, Janet
Zazzali, Peter
Zeigan, Coleman
Zes, Evan
Zito, Ralph
Roslyn Ruff
Is a Brooklyn based actress by way of Buffalo, New York. She has had the privilege of collaborating with director Ruben Santiago-Hudson on August Wilson's GEM OF THE OCEAN at The McCarter and American Conservatory Theaters, SEVEN GUITARS at the Signature Theatre, for which she won an Obie award for her performance, Naomi Wallace's THINGS OF DRY HOURS at the New York Theatre Workshop,receiving a Drama League nomination for distinguished performance and most recently August Wilson's JITNEY at the Two River Theater in Red Bank, NJ. Other theatrical credits include standing by for Viola Davis in the 2010 Broadway revival of FENCES and the American premiere of Athol Fugard's COMING HOME at the Long Wharf Theater. Off Broadway she has also appeared in Love, Loss and What I Wore, Macbeth (TFANA) Then Heart is a Lonely Hunter (NYTW), The Cherry Orchard and Macbeth (Classical Theatre of Harlem) and Pudd'nhead Wilson (The Acting Company). Regionally she has performed at Berkeley Rep, The Kennedy Center, Indiana Rep, Geva Theater, Old Globe, Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Alliance Theater, Yale Rep and The People's Light and Theater Company. Her film credits include SALT, Life During Wartime and Rachel Getting Married. This past season she played Nurse Sulla on A Gifted Man and has also appeared on The Big C, The Good Wife, The Jury and The Sopranos. Ms. Ruff holds a MFA from the Institute for Advanced Theatre Training at Harvard University.
Dakin Matthews
Dakin Matthews, has a long and distinguished history of work in film, television, and theater, He has dramaturged Shakespeare for the country’s leading directors, including Jack O’Brien, Dan Sullivan, Darko Tresnjak, Michael Sexton, and John Rando, and has coached numerous actors in Shakespearean roles, including Denzel Washington, Neil Patrick Harris, and Camryn Manheim. A founding member of John Houseman’s influential Acting Company, Mr. Matthews has headed the Antaeus Company in Los Angeles, the Berkeley Shakespeare Festival, and the California Actors Theatre. His film credits include roles in Nuts, Thirteen Days, and the Coen brothers’ remake of True Grit. His many TV appearances have made him familiar to fans of Dallas, Desperate Housewives,General Hospital, House, Jeff Foxworthy, The King of Queens, Murder She Wrote, NYPD Blue, The Practice, The West Wing, and Two and a Half Men. He is a member of both the Motion Picture and the Television Academies. He has appeared in over thirty feature films, TV movies, and miniseries, and made over three hundred appearances in episodic television, performing as a regular or recurring character in ten different series. He is an Emeritus Professor of English at California State University East Bay. He has also taught at Juilliard, ACT in San Francisco, USD/Globe MFA Program, the Actors Center in NY, the Antaeus Company, and CalArts. He has given workshops in Shakespearean verse-speaking around the world.
You can see him on Broadway this fall in WAITRESS.
Rosalyn Coleman Williams
Best known as an accomplished actor with numerous Broadway, film, and television credits, Rosalyn Coleman Williams is also the director of the award-winning short films Allergic To Nuts and Drawing Angel. Both films have been seen on several TV stations nationally and screened in more than 50 film festivals in the U.S. and around the world. Other film director credits include BFF, Moth to a Flame, Driving Fish, Broken, The Starter Marriage, Layla’s Mourning, What I Wouldn’t Give for a Good Cigar, Twisted, Ends & Beginnings, Three Weeks in Hell, Scrambled Softly and Would I Lie to You. She was also the director of the re-enactment portion in the documentary Black Sorority Project. Williams is co-host and co-creator of Everything Acting Podcast, an internet radio show that informs, inspires, and demystifies the actor’s journey. With more than 70,000 downloads every month from 25 countries, it is the number one podcast for acting in iTunes. Williams graduated cum laude with a BFA from Howard University and earned her MFA t the Yale School of Drama, where she received the prestigious Carol Dye Award, the only award given for acting. She is a member of New York Women in Film and Television and a lifetime member of the Actors Studio..
You can see her this fall back on Broadway in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.
Andy Grotelueschen
Andy Grotelueschen has appeared Off-Broadway and around the world in Fiasco’s Into the Woods (Menier Chocolate Factory (London), Roundabout Theatre Company, McCarter Theatre Center, Old Globe; Lucille Lortel Award for Outstanding Revival and nomination for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical), Twelfth Night (CSC), The Two Gentlemen of Verona (Theatre for a New Audience, St. Clair Bayfield Award), Cymbeline (Theatre for a New Audience/Barrow Street Theatre), Measure for Measure (The New Victory Theater, Long Wharf Theatre) and The Imaginary Invalid (Old Globe). He also appeared on Broadway in Cyrano de Bergerac and Tootsie for which he received a Tony nomination. His other New York credits include Petruchio in The Taming of the Shrew (Theatre for a New Audience), the Cyclops in The Odyssey (Public Works at Delacorte Theater), and world premieres at 13P, The Exchange, and St. Ann’s Warehouse. Mr. Grotelueschen’s regional credits include Yale Repertory Theatre, American Repertory Theater, Shakespeare Theatre Company, Folger Theatre, Trinity Repertory Company, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Guthrie Theater, and all across the country with The Acting Company. He has appeared on television in Elementary, The Good Wife, The Good Cop and The Knick. His film credits include Still on the Road (PBS), Coin Heist (Netflix), Geezer, Land of Kings,and Tumorhead. He is a graduate of the Brown University/Trinity Repertory Company M.F.A. Program in Acting.
You can see him on Broadway this fall in ASSASSINS.